How to Implement the Pipes and Filters Architecture with Java and Azure

In my previous blog post, I provided an in-depth explanation of the Pipes and Filters architecture, which you can check out here. To recap, the Pipes and Filters architecture breaks down a system into small, self-contained processing components known as filters. Each filter is responsible for performing a specific task or transformation on the data it receives, promoting modularity and reusability. These filters are connected via pipes, which facilitate the flow of data from one filter to the next. This architecture is particularly effective in scenarios involving data integration, processing workflows, transformation pipelines, and stream processing.

In this blog post, I will walk you through a sample implementation of the Pipes and Filters architecture using Java and Azure. Our example project will centre around a chatbot designed to assist in creative thinking activities such as brainstorming.

Sample Project Overview

The goal of this project is to create a tool that integrates with a company’s creative thinking solutions. Specifically, it’s a chatbot that aids teams during brainstorming sessions and other creative activities. The process begins when a user interacts with the application by typing a question, such as “How will the ongoing AI revolution affect the financial industry?” This question is then sent to the application for processing.

How the System Works

  1. Input Validation: The first filter is responsible for validating the user’s question. The question might be in a language that the AI model doesn’t understand, or it might be too long or contain sensitive information. Therefore, the first task is to verify whether the question can be processed further.
  2. Prompt Engineering: If the question is valid, the application uses predefined templates to enrich it. These templates provide context to the AI-powered tool, making the model’s output more valuable. For example, a template might be: “You are a CEO. Given a strategic prompt, you will create X futuristic, hypothetical scenarios that happen Y years from now. The strategic prompt is: Z”. This step is crucial as it leverages prompt engineering to guide the AI model in generating more meaningful responses.
  3. AI Model Interaction: The final step involves sending the enriched prompts to the AI model, which processes them and generates answers. These answers are then displayed back to the user.

Implementation Details

The system consists of three filters:

  1. Input Validation Filter: Validates the user’s input according to the application’s data requirements.
  2. Prompt Engineering Filter: Analyses and enriches the validated input to create a prompt.
  3. AI Model Facade Filter: Sends the engineered prompt to the AI model and handles the response.

The First Filter: Input Validation

The first filter is implemented as an Azure Function, and its primary role is to validate the incoming question.

public HttpResponseMessage validate(
       @HttpTrigger(name = "question",
               methods = {HttpMethod.POST},
               authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.FUNCTION)
       HttpRequestMessage<String> question,
       @QueueOutput(name = "questionQueue",
               queueName = "question-queue",
               connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")
       OutputBinding<String> questionQueue,
       ExecutionContext executionContext) {
    // Implementation of validation.

The validate method, annotated with @FunctionName("QuestionValidationFunction"), is triggered by an HTTP request. It takes two parameters: the HTTP request containing the question and an output binding to a storage queue named "question-queue". The method validates the question and, if valid, sends it down the pipeline.

The Second Filter: Prompt Engineering

The second filter enriches the validated question with a template to maximise the AI model’s response quality.

public void sendPrompt(
               name = "question",
               queueName = "question-queue",
               connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")
       String question,
               name = "promptQueue",
               queueName = "prompt-queue",
               connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")
       OutputBinding<String> promptQueue,
       ExecutionContext executionContext) {
   // Prompt engineering logic.

This function is triggered by messages in the "question-queue". When a new message arrives, the function is invoked, and the question is enriched before being sent to the next queue, "prompt-queue".

The Third Filter: AI Model Facade

The third filter handles communication with the AI model. This filter is implemented using the Spring Cloud Function framework, which decouples infrastructure configuration from the business logic. I’ll describe it in detail in the next blog post, but I’ll give you a short description here so you understand the code.

The functions are implemented as Java function interfaces and autowired into respective request handlers. The handlers contain logic that configures integration with the serverless platform provider. In our case it’ll be the Azure SDK (which examples we’ve seen before). With this setup, you can change the cloud provider by simply rewriting the handlers (and changing build definition) without any need to rewrite the functions itself. 

Let’s now look at the function’s code. 

public Function<String, String> answer(ModelClient modelClient) {
   	// Function’s logic

The answer function is a simple Java function interface that handles the logic for interacting with the AI model. It is autowired into a handler that manages the integration with Azure.

public class AnswerHandler {

   private final Function<String, String> answer;

   public AnswerHandler(Function<String, String> answer) {
       this.answer = answer;

   public void answer(
                   name = "promptQueue",
                   queueName = "prompt-queue",
                   connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")
           String prompt,
                   name = "answerQueue",
                   queueName = "answer-queue",
                   connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")
           OutputBinding<String> answerQueue
   ) {
       // Handler’s logic

This handler is similar to the previous filters, but it delegates the business logic to the answer function. The answerQueue is used to send the final answer for further consumption. 


With all three filters implemented, you can now deploy the application to Azure, to play with the code. The deployment process can be accomplished using Maven, as described in this article

In summary, we implemented a complete Pipes and Filters architecture using both the Azure SDK and Spring Cloud Function. The system comprises three filters – each responsible for a distinct part of the application’s workflow: input validation, prompt engineering, and AI model communication. The unidirectional data flow is managed primarily by queues, ensuring a clean separation of concerns and easy scalability.


This blog post demonstrates how to implement the Pipes and Filters architecture using Java and Azure for a chatbot that assists in creative thinking activities. The architecture is broken down into three filters: input validation, prompt engineering, and AI model interaction. Each filter handles a specific task in the data processing pipeline, ensuring modularity and reusability. The post also covers the deployment process using Azure and Spring Cloud Function, highlighting the benefits of separating business logic from infrastructure configuration.

If you’re interested in how this architecture style can be used to implement serverless solutions, and how to work with Azure Functions in Java, check out my Udemy course that covers these topics in detail.  

The working code example can be found on my GitHub

Deploy Azure Functions with Maven

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service provided by Microsoft Azure, designed to help developers run event-driven code without the need to manage infrastructure. Whether you’re automating workflows, building APIs, or processing data streams, Azure Functions offers a scalable, cost-effective solution. By abstracting away the complexities of server management, it allows developers to focus on writing the logic that drives their applications.

For Java developers, Azure Functions offers first-class support, making it easier than ever to integrate Java-based solutions into the Azure ecosystem. This support includes a robust set of tools and libraries specifically designed to streamline the development and deployment process for Java applications. If you’re eager to learn more, Microsoft has prepared a decent documentation covering this topic. You’ll find there information about the programming framework, how to implement a Function, and how to deploy it. In this post I’d like to take a look at the latter and present it to you in a slightly different light than usual.

Traditionally, deploying Azure Functions involves tools like Azure CLI, Bicep, or Terraform. These tools are robust and widely used, offering powerful features for managing Azure resources. However, Java developers also have a more seamless and better integrated option to choose from – Maven.

Maven, a build automation tool primarily used for Java projects, can be an excellent choice for deploying Azure Functions. The Azure Functions Maven Plugin allows developers to define their infrastructure as code, simplifying the deployment process and ensuring consistency across environments. It’s a great choice if you’re starting your journey with Azure Functions or have no other infrastructure in the cloud. It’s easy to use and allows you to keep your infrastructure definition as close to your build definition as possible.

The Azure Functions Maven Plugin allows you to use an infrastructure-as-code approach similar to Bicep or Terraform. You can declare the desired infrastructure, and the plugin handles provisioning and state management. This means your Function App won’t be reprovisioned every time you build your application, saving time and resources. While this might seem abstract, seeing it in action will clarify its efficiency and ease of use. Let’s dive into the practical aspects of deploying your Azure Functions with Maven and see how this approach can streamline your development process.

I’m using Maven v3.9.6 in this tutorial. You can find a working example of this configuration here.

First, let’s open the pom.xml file in the azure-funcitons-sdk module. Within this file, you’ll find the declaration of the azure-functions-maven-plugin. At the core of this declaration is the <plugin> element. In Maven, a plugin is a collection of goals, which are specific tasks or actions. In our case, we’re using the azure-functions-maven-plugin to facilitate the deployment of Azure Functions. Let’s take a look at the definition. 


There’s a lot of things you might be unfamiliar with in this declaration, so let’s crack them one by one.

Plugin Coordinates

(This is pretty standard, but let’s quickly go through them, especially if you’re new to Maven.)

  • <groupId>: Specifies the group identifier for the plugin. In this case, it’s
  • <artifactId>: Identifies the plugin itself. We’re using the azure-functions-maven-plugin.
  • <version>: Specifies the version of the plugin. The ${azure.functions.maven.plugin.version} variable points to a specific version, such as 1.24.0 in our example.

Configuration Section

  • <appName>: The name of your Azure Functions application, set to azure-functions-sdk.
  • <resourceGroup>: Defines the Azure resource group where your functions will be deployed, here named azure-functions-sdk-rg.
  • <appServicePlanName>: The Azure App Service Plan where your functions will run, set to azure-functions-sdk-sp.
  • <pricingTier>: Specifies the pricing tier for your functions. It’s set to Consumption, since it’s the cheapest and most popular option. You can also choose Premium or Dedicated tier here.
  • <region>: Determines the Azure region for deployment, set to norwayeast in our case. Note that free trial subscriptions may have limitations on available regions. Check Azure’s documentation for your specific options.
  • <runtime>: Configures the runtime settings:
    • <os>: Specifies the operating system, which is linux.
    • <javaVersion>: Sets the Java version used for the functions runtime, set to 17.
  • <appSettings>: Defines application settings specific to your functions. They’re populated as environment variables to your Function runtime. Here we only specify the Functions version itself, but you can put active profiles or other environment-dependent key-value pairs here.

Executions Section

  • <execution>: Defines when and how the plugin’s goals should be executed. The package goal is responsible for packaging your Azure Functions for deployment. Note that this phase does not deploy anything to Azure; it merely prepares the package. The actual deployment requires invoking a plugin-specific goal, which we will cover later.

Great! Now that we have our configuration in place, the next step is to run the build and deploy our Azure Functions. First, we need to prepare the artefact by executing the clean package command. You can do this from the right-hand side menu in IntelliJ IDEA. This step takes a few seconds to complete on my machine.

Once the packaging is done, the next step is to execute a plugin-specific goal: deploy. It’s essential to use the correct deployment goal to ensure our code gets deployed to Azure. By default, Maven’s deploy goal sends artefacts to the artefact repository specified in the <distributionManagement> section of your POM file, such as Nexus. However, we want to deploy our code directly to Azure. To do this, we need to specify the deployment goal from the Azure Functions Maven Plugin.

Before proceeding, ensure you have Azure CLI installed on your machine. The installation steps vary depending on your operating system, and you can find detailed instructions in the Azure CLI installation guide. I used Homebrew to install it on my machine, but you can choose any way that suits you best.

Once you have Azure CLI installed, open the terminal and type az login. This command initiates a session from your local machine to Azure’s REST API, which is necessary for the plugin to function correctly.

Now, let’s start the deployment process. Issue the following command from the directory where the POM file is located:

mvn azure-functions:deploy

As the deployment progresses, you’ll see logs indicating that all the necessary infrastructure is being provisioned, including the Resource Group, Function App, Application Insights, Storage Account, and App Service Plan. Once the deployment is complete, you can navigate to the Azure Portal to verify that everything is correctly set up and running. This is a great feature itself, because using generic tools like Bicep forces you to define related resources independently. Moreover, all necessary secrets (like connection string to the Storage Account) are added to your App Settings.

And that’s it! By following these steps, you have successfully deployed your Azure Functions using Maven. It may feel a bit odd in the beginning, especially if you’re already experienced with Bicep or Terraform, but I find this approach quite useful in scenarios when I don’t have a lot of infrastructure in Azure, or it’s provided by an external team. In this case an ability to define my Function App in the POM file and use the same tool for build, test, and deployment contributes to a great developer experience. Moreover, automatic creation of all related resources and configuration allows me to get the function up and running in a couple of minutes, making the Maven-based deployment a great option for learning and prototyping.